Storage Space in 8 How to correctly


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Understanding pools

If you want to take advantage of Storage Spaces, you must first create at least one pool of disks to house your virtual drive. We show you how to do this (and how to set up your first storage space) in this walkthrough.

The number of disks you use in your pool is up to you. Officially a pool can support an unlimited number of drives, so the upper limit is governed only your hardware Microsoft says the technology has been successfully tested with &quothundreds of drives&quot.

Equally, it’s possible to create a pool containing only a single disk. This might seem pointless, but it allows you to create a storage space that can be easily expanded by adding a second drive to the pool at a later date.

However, there is a big benefit to using multiple drives, as this lets you take advantage of the various storage space resiliency options, which we’ll discuss below. Using more than one disk may also improve performance, as it allows Windows 8 to read and
write data from multiple drives at once. Don’t expect super-fast file transfers, though, for reasons we'll explore later.
Be aware that when you add a disk to a pool it’s completely wiped and becomes inaccessible to Windows. You can’t access it through the Explorer, nor save regular files onto it directly and if you ever remove it from the pool it will need to be reformatted
before you can reuse it. You can’t add only specified partitions to a pool, either: it’s the whole disk or nothing.
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I see the ones that are having issues are the ones that do not understand what they are doing.

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