Spinning Beach Ball in Finder every few minutes ?!

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I’ve just purchased a Mac Mini running the latest version of Mavericks. Everything is up to date in terms of the OS & bundled Mac software. In addition I have Adobe CC and a small number of other applications.

The machine’s speed seems adequate for my needs, but it’s almost unusable because of the spinning Beach Ball. **Everytime** I touch a finder window after using another application the machine inexplicably hangs for 30-60 seconds (only in Finder).

An example of how bad it is…

Moving files to the new computer I decided to re-organise my projects folder. Previously the 230 folders were organised by job number, but I decided to put them into logical groups organised by client (no renaming just putting 10 folders, or so, into a containing folder with the client’s name). The job should have taken 5 minutes max, but so far it’s take over 1.5 hours!!!

A little online research has shown that I’m not the only person suffering form his but I’m yet to find a solution. Is this common, and is there a way to repair the issue without sending the computer back to Apple?

The machine is a Mac Mini, 2.3 Quad Core i7. I’ve added 16gb of crucial RAM, which appears to be fine when running diagnostics.

Any help would be great.


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