Special Keyboard Options Only Appear On Screen Once


Active Member
Dec 24, 2003
Well I had to reboot my computer and it's been a few hours. As soon as I turned it on when it was rebooted, I saw that when I use the volume controls on my keyboard and the 'Connect' button which opens IE, it shows the volume in green or shows 'Connect' in green at the bottom left of my screen. The buttons still work but now I don't see the little indications of what point the volume is at and things like that. Can I get it back? It's not really a big deal, just something I'm picky about.
Could be just a problem with the software the keyboard uses or it could be you inadvertently changed the config to show the volume meter. I have at times right clicked o bring up a config menu and unchecked an option by mistake.
Check the config settings of the software.
Bob Schwarz said:
Could be just a problem with the software the keyboard uses or it could be you inadvertently changed the config to show the volume meter. I have at times right clicked o bring up a config menu and unchecked an option by mistake.
Check the config settings of the software.

Still couldn't find anything. Any specific directions to where I can check this?
Actually robot313 helped me by linking me to a site at hp. Thanks robot.