Someone Asked...


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
In another forum someone asked what people felt about Windows 8. This is what I

had to say:

Ok, well, to the OP I will offer my comments &amp
promise to not be overly techy. Many folks who have spent a bit of time @ this
forum, already, know my feelings but, that's ok...

I have been using
Windows 8 for about a year. I beta tested it for Microsoft in a dual-boot with
Windows 7. I then migrated to the GA &amp said &quotbye-bye&quot to 7. I knew quite a

bit of it/about it prior to beginning to, actually, work on or with it. It
didn't come as a shock to me, much of it had me keenly interested and I had no
prolonged agony learning it, that part took very little time or

Yes, we have turned a corner on the computing road. It has been a
very speedy journey &amp it's not slowing down as the landscape changes &amp
evolves. Demands, usage, work-force and devices &amp more contribute to things
like Windows 8. Yes things are becoming more &amp more 'mobility driven'....
nothing bad about that. So, yes, we now have an OS that is happy across multiple
&amp varied devices. One that is happy mobile or not and either Touch
. But, one where the 'Look &amp Feel' is consistent and where

everything syncs (or can be shared) easily and well between both devices and
Users. An OS with access that a person can take with them from device to device
and have the same experience available.

Windows 8 shines in several
areas. Security, stability, resource management and usage methodology, speed,
connectivity (&amp collaboration), Feature-set, ease of use, uncluttered, not
only cosmetically but, technically, as well. The performance of Windows 8 is
blatant, striking &amp impressive. It's ease of installation &amp its
'intelligence' in that area is a real delight. That fact the so much is embedded
and available &amp on, by default... Less demanding on End Users.

As for
the UI, I won't expend many words on that cus it's so trivial or mundane. Start
can be used or not used, can have a slew of Tiles or just one. Store APPs are
all 100% optional, too. One can stay 100% of the time on Desktop, anyway, so all
becomes a moot or, @ least, very subjective, customizable thing. But, it (the
UI) is NOT a problem, slows nothing, makes nothing awkward or arduous. Things
are there when &amp if YOU want /need them &amp out of your way the rest of
the time.

Anyway, it's cool what Windows 8 is, what it has in it, what it
can do &amp how well it does what's asked of it. It is smooth, snappy and
slick. Both hardware &amp software compatibility w/ it are very good. Win8 is
good, the best Windows OS to date and an important stepping stone to future

I should include that the design goals achieved that focus on
&amp cater to Enterprise are terrific &amp likable by that environment. The
fact that Enterprise can easily create &amp build APPs useful to their
particular 'house' &amp workers has definite appeal for


Drew MS Partner / MS Beta Tester / Pres. Computer Issues Pres. Computer Issues

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