[SOLVED] Ubuntu Joining Domain [PBIS]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Poptart
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(Hope this helps, its my first post on these forums and sorry if my English sucks.)

This is a guide for joining a domain on Ubuntu. May work on other debian-based distributions.

When I was trying to join a domain the first try I kept on getting errors I can't post the error code here right now because I was doing this at my work place and don't have a domain at home. So I decided to post the solution here.

Step 1: (we will be using the terminal for the whole tutorial so if you don't want to be typing sudo at the start of each command I suggest you type
sudo -s
so that every command will be run as super user/root.

Remove Avahi. (this created the problem for me when I was trying to join the domain, this is also pre-installed on ubuntu 14.04)

sudo apt-get remove avahi-daemon
Step 2:

Install PowerBroker Identy Services Open. This is generally the same program as likewise-open but since likewise is no longer available we will use this. (it is based on likewise)

First we need to download it.

Download the either 32-bit or 64-bit version of PowerBroker Identity Services Open. (I had a terminal command written for downloading it but apparently I cant post links until I've posted 15x on this forum).

Next we need to give ubuntu/(possible other debian-based distribution) rights to open/run the file. (You may have to navigate to the folder where the downloaded file is. (if you download a newer version of pbis than I have used on this, you will have to replace the filename with the newer filename.)

(32-bit): sudo chmod a+x pbis-open-
(64-bit): sudo chmod a+x pbis-open-
Now we need to run the file.

(32-bit): sudo chmod a+x pbis-open-
(64-bit): sudo chmod a+x pbis-open-
Reboot the pc.

sudo reboot
Step 3:

Configuring the PBIS (joining the domain).

sudo domainjoin-cli join (write the name of the domain ex. domain.local) (write the username of the account that has rights to add a computer to the domain ex.administrator)

example of the command for clarity: sudo domainjoin-cli join domain.local administrator
Then type the password for the account when you are asked for it.

Please give constructive criticism. Also im pretty new to linux and am only familiar to debian based os:s. Ive used linux for around 2 weeks now at work and not really that much there since its more of a windows based environment. I might have wrote accidentally some false information without realizing so please correct me if im wrong.

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