[SOLVED] Munin dont shows any graphs

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I installed munin, and started it, but it dont shows any graphs, only munin webpage:


localhost :: [ ]
This page was generated by Munin version 1.2.5 at 2014-04-02 T 18:05:02
from munin.conf
dbdir /var/lib/munin
#htmldir /var/www/munin
htmldir /home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin
logdir /var/log/munin
rundir /var/run/munin
from munin-node.conf
# A list of addresses that are allowed to connect. This must be a
# regular expression, due to brain damage in Net::Server, which
# doesn't understand CIDR-style network notation. You may repeat
# the allow line as many times as you'd like

allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$
allow ^107\.*\.*\.*$
allow ^188\.*\.*\.*$
* = im masking it for public paste

when opening myip:4949, there was:
# munin node at myhostname
# Unknown command. Try list, nodes, config, fetch, version or quit
# Unknown command. Try list, nodes, config, fetch, version or quit
# Unknown command. Try list, nodes, config, fetch, version or quit
# Unknown command. Try list, nodes, config, fetch, version or quit
# Unknown command. Try list, nodes, config, fetch, version or quit

tail /var/log/munin/*
==> munin-graph.log <==
Apr 02 18:30:05 - Unable to graph /var/lib/munin/localhost/localhost-memory-inactive-g.rrd: Could not save png to '/home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin/localhost/localhost-memory-year.png'
Apr 02 18:30:05 - Graphed service : memory (0.12 sec * 4)
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Unable to graph /var/lib/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-sleep-g.rrd: Could not save png to '/home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-month.png'
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Unable to graph /var/lib/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-sleep-g.rrd: Could not save png to '/home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-week.png'
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Unable to graph /var/lib/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-sleep-g.rrd: Could not save png to '/home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-day.png'
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Unable to graph /var/lib/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-sleep-g.rrd: Could not save png to '/home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-year.png'
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Graphed service : vmstat (0.05 sec * 4)
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Processed node: localhost (1.20 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Processed domain: localhost (1.20 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Munin-graph finished (1.21 sec)

==> munin-html.log <==
Apr 02 18:25:07 - processing domain: localhost
Apr 02 18:25:07 - processing node: localhost
Apr 02 18:25:07 - processing service: cpu
Apr 02 18:30:06 - Starting munin-html, checking lock
Apr 02 18:30:06 - could not copy style.css into htmldir
Apr 02 18:30:06 - could not copy logo.png into htmldir
Apr 02 18:30:06 - could not copy definitions.html into htmldir
Apr 02 18:30:06 - processing domain: localhost
Apr 02 18:30:06 - processing node: localhost
Apr 02 18:30:06 - processing service: cpu

==> munin-limits.log <==
Apr 02 18:25:05 - Starting munin-limits, checking lock
Apr 02 18:25:05 - Created lock: /var/run/munin/munin-limits.lock
Apr 02 18:25:05 - processing domain: localhost
Apr 02 18:25:05 - processing node: localhost
Apr 02 18:25:05 - munin-limits finished.
Apr 02 18:30:04 - Starting munin-limits, checking lock
Apr 02 18:30:04 - Created lock: /var/run/munin/munin-limits.lock
Apr 02 18:30:04 - processing domain: localhost
Apr 02 18:30:04 - processing node: localhost
Apr 02 18:30:04 - munin-limits finished.

==> munin-node.log <==
df: `/var/named/chroot/var/run/dbus': Permission denied
df: `/var/named/chroot/var/run/dbus': Permission denied
2014/04/02-18:30:56 Server closing!
Process Backgrounded
2014/04/02-18:30:56 MyPackage (type Net::Server::Fork) starting! pid(1069)
Using default listen value of 128
Binding to TCP port 4949 on host 4949
Setting gid to "0 0"
df: `/var/named/chroot/var/run/dbus': Permission denied
df: `/var/named/chroot/var/run/dbus': Permission denied

==> munin-update.log <==
Apr 02 18:30:03 [26161] - Fetched service: localhost -> forks (0.04 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:03 [26161] - Fetched service: localhost -> open_files (0.04 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:03 [26161] - Fetched service: localhost -> memory (0.04 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:04 [26161] - Fetched service: localhost -> vmstat (1.04 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:04 [26161] - Fetched node: localhost (1.84 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:01 [26129] - Processed node: localhost (0.00 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:01 [26129] - Processed domain: localhost (0.00 sec)
Apr 02 18:30:04 [26129] - connection from localhost -> localhost (26161)
Apr 02 18:30:04 [26129] - connection from localhost -> localhost (26161) closed
Apr 02 18:30:04 [26129] - Munin-update finished (2.80 sec)
I did not changed other values in munin configs, any idea why dont show graphs?

log file says:
Unable to graph /var/lib/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-sleep-g.rrd: Could not save png to '/home/kloxo/httpd/default/munin/localhost/localhost-vmstat-month.png

but that munin folder exist and i did "chown -R munin:munin munin"

When i did yum erase munin***
it returned amongs other: "userdel: user munin does not exist" ..

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