Solid State Drive?


Jul 26, 2014
Hello, my Son has bought a solid state drive at a Best Buy for our PC but the system seems to have no place to put it in the older PC case we have tried several times. Is there a simple solution for this? any help will be super appreciated thanks in advance!
Wow that was a fast response thank you so much! it looks like it will just slide into an empty spot in a 2.5 inch bay according to the link you gave. It's also a nice color I will order that or something similar but that one looks fine and it's only $6.00. I don't see any screws so I guess it just slides in there?
Oh ok perfect then! Cindy E thanks for the help it's so easy to get help here and everyone is so nice. I'll let you know when the project is completed. He was thinking that Solid State drives are faster for the operating system to load up and overall computer operations seem faster his friend already had one on PC he ordered from a company called Cyperpower.
Yes it just slides in but it has the holes on the side to fasten as you would a normal hard drive or use sliders if your case accommodates them.
Cool, it's ordered! Project solid state drive is in action! now for the hard part installing it is there any guide? or any special way to prepare it or install the operating system with it?