Snow Blizzard

You gotta shovel a place for poochie to go.

I spent about an hour with the snow blower clearing my driveway this morning. There was a good 12 inches of snow, not even counting the snow drifts or that pile the township snow plow left at the end of my driveway.
Yeah, Rod just finished shoveling out back so Jax has a place to go.
He's working on the front now with the snow blower.

It's still coming down so he's going to have to do it again tonight.
I may have under-estimated at 10", it looks more like 15", if not more.

joey backyard.jpg
I just heard on the news that the worst is yet to come for you. Looks like this is going to a record breaker.
Cindy & Tony.......If it's any consolation it's cool here in florida...... 63F with blue sky & sunshine.
Cindy......I'll bet your granddaughter enjoyed the snow. When i was a child & a teenager, i loved having a blizzard! It meant that schools were called off.
Rod is out running the snow blower again and doing some more shoveling from the snow that we got late last night.
I am so glad that it's over and that we survived without losing power. A lot of people didn't fare as well as we did.