

Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
I have the latest version. Every few minutes it drops out and reboots by itself.
Have reinstalled Skype a number of times.
Any clues? Windows7.
I have reinstalled a number of times.
When talking on Skype, it seems to work OK with rare dropouts.
No, This is while Skype is idle and not being used.
I look in the Task Bar and see Skype has dropped out,and rebooting, by itself.
Must be a pain for my contacts, to see me what looks like opening and closing Skype every 10 mins or so.
Windows7 SP1 Ultra x64 bit, Tony.
I wonder if FireFox has anything to do with this issue.
I just deleted all FireFox History and Bookmarks,just in case.
Will monitor for the next few hours.
No, Windows doesn't reboot, only Skype.
Thanks for the help.
A while ago I brought up Skype on my W7 machine. It was running v There was an update available so I took it. Now it's running v It's been running for about 30 minute. Idle. I'm not seeing any problems with it. However, it is the only application I have running.
I am also running, Tony. I am convinced this has something to do with FireFox.
Since I deleted all my FireFox History and Bookmarks, Skype has only dropped out once since my previous Post.Not sure how long time wise.
It was dropping out a minimum of 4 times each hour.
Only seems to drop out when I am using Firefox.
As I said much better at the moment.
This is weird.
Thanks for testing,Tony.