Site Upgraded

Site upgraded to the newest version of xenforo. During the upgrade I also upgraded the default style which added some bug fixes and extra customizations.

I will be retiring a the alt styles. In their place I will add a dark default version and another similar style to replace the light alternative style.

If you encounter any problems let me know by posting the site feedback forum.
Upgraded the site to the newest version of xenforo.It was a minor upgrade so nothing should be broken with the style.

If you find any problems let me know.
Working well with Firefox. Not as good with IE but that could just be my Puta.
I find page scrolling slower with IE. Not a big deal as I mostly use FF.
Site upgraded to latest version of xenForo. There were a couple maintenance releases I missed so I caught up with this upgrade.

Styles also upgraded to the newest version.

If you see any problems let me know.