Sick of Ubuntu - Try Vista - Just FYI

  • Thread starter Thread starter Spanky deMonkey
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Spanky deMonkey

Sick of hearing about Ubuntu - Of course you are. This is a vista group not
an Ubuntu group. Some people are just mentally retarted.

Just FYI
Alias wrote:
> Spanky deMonkey wrote:
>> Sick of hearing about Ubuntu - Of course you are. This is a vista
>> group not an Ubuntu group. Some people are just mentally retarted.
>> Just FYI

> Just FYI.


<I want to make sure you get all of the news clippings, Au79>
Spanky deMonkey [Mon, 27 Aug 2007 21:47:33 -0700] wrote:

>Sick of hearing about Ubuntu - Of course you are. This is a vista group not
>an Ubuntu group. Some people are just mentally retarted.
>Just FYI

Yes, and I believe I know why people are sick of hearing about Ubuntu.

It seems that there is a link between Ubuntu and obesity.
Do this Google search and you get over 1.5 million hits:

A Google search of Ubuntu and cancer yields almost 2 million hits:

Could it be that Ubuntu makes people literally sick?
I don't know for sure, I'm not a doctor.

I think you are on to something. Ubuntu is more dangerous then previously
thought! Thanks for the info

"Marco Desloovere" <> wrote in message
> Spanky deMonkey [Mon, 27 Aug 2007 21:47:33 -0700] wrote:
>>Sick of hearing about Ubuntu - Of course you are. This is a vista group
>>an Ubuntu group. Some people are just mentally retarted.
>>Just FYI

> Yes, and I believe I know why people are sick of hearing about Ubuntu.
> It seems that there is a link between Ubuntu and obesity.
> Do this Google search and you get over 1.5 million hits:
> A Google search of Ubuntu and cancer yields almost 2 million hits:
> Could it be that Ubuntu makes people literally sick?
> I don't know for sure, I'm not a doctor.
> Marco
Bill Yanaire [Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:47:56 -0700] wrote:

>I think you are on to something. Ubuntu is more dangerous then previously
>thought! Thanks for the info

That would also explain why the registrant of the domain "" is
located on the Isle of Man in the UK.
In case of some dangerous disease breaking out because of Ubuntu, it's
easier to quarantine an island than the mainland.
