Show us your Pets. Current or long gone.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
Pets are an important part of many people's lives and as I love all pets regardless, I thought it would be nice to post as many photos of your pets as you wish. We are proud of our animal companions.

This is my pet cat called LUCE. 3 yrs old and never leaves my side except when necessary.
Don't know what breed but the longest cat I have ever seen. A great companion.
This cat whom I adore is the fastest cat I have ever seen run and clears 7 feet fences without even touching the fence. Amazing athletic cat to watch. I will post more photos of Luce in due course. Here is a Photo I took today to give some idea how long this cat is.

Such a beautiful kitty, Dougie.
We haven't had any cats for almost ten years.
Unfortunately, our German Shepherd, who is a rescue dog, does not like cats.

We adopted Jax from a no kill shelter called Save, ten years ago.
He is the most loyal and loving dog we have ever had.
He also thinks that the grandkids are his puppies. :D

I love the colour of Jax. They become an important members of the Family.
I had two Dogs as a young child and have fond memories.
DSTM, what a beautiful cat. Luce looks very much like a young cat that lives across the street from me...colour and markings. He is very slim and very fast...and intelligent!

AllHeart, Jax is very handsome. German Shepherds are wonderful.
Sophie. Adopted from a local animal shelter. She is guessed to be about 8 years old...I have just had her for 2 years.
She is a longhaired miniature dapple dachshund with the sweetest nature ever.
So glad I found her.
These pictures are all over thirty years old and a couple of them were taken with an old polaroid camera so they aren't in the best condition.
All of our Shepherds loved cats. The exception to that is Jax, our current Shepherd.

This is Harley about 5 years ago. He is still with me but much grayer around the muzzle.



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