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Yeah I got it booked in my favs. After I pay bills I'm ordering a few! I like the color it matches the MSI colors well..
I wouldn't use 2 drives in one bracket. I like to space my drives for max cooling.
I am trying an Intel SSD in my new build. So far so good.
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If you look at the bracket Dougie they are about 1/2 apart and remember an SSD has no moving parts so they really do not generate heat anyway.
can I ask if it's cheaper to build a computer or buy one? the one I have was donated it's older. runs fine though. If I wanted a new one how on earth would I build one like some of you have done? It looks like buying would be my only option. Actually in my case financing one.
It depends on what you are trying to build because you really don't build your own solely to save money. For me it started out in that building my own was the only way I could get all of what I wanted on a system. The more you do it the better you get at it and often times you can save more money building but not by buying all the components at one time. Buying them when you see a good price enables you to have things ready for the new build that cost less when you finally go to use them i.e. today you see a 240 Gb Ssd drive for $99 so you buy it and put it aside.
I would not even begin to know how to build a computer but i know a few that do which could be a big help. Maybe when i am ready I should have one of them do it and pay a free to tech me how. Are there any good internet guides that are easy to follow that you would recommend?
Are you saying they need to face backwards Gimbo? They would be pretty far away from the cable ports.
I must apologize for those awful photos BTW and took a lot of heat over them. I replaced the psu and ran 1/2 the cables behind the case to clean it up and the SSD drive fits fine pushed farther in and its the full size drive that had the issue now. I mounted it further into the framework and used only 1 screw on each side and I can fit the side on the case fine now. But you think they shiould be reversed. Next time I open that case I will look at it better.
what I am saying is you have your drives installed backwards. The ports should point to the right side of the case when looking at it head on. I think you will find they fit better that way. And it puts the cables on the back side of the case naturally for a better look.
I see what you are saying Gimbo it just feels backwards to me but starting to make sense. I think Catch22 tried to tell me that also.
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Not 100% finished but this is my new system.
Asus X99 Deluxe
Intel I7 5930 oc'd to 4.4ghz
16mb Corsair Vengeance oc'd to 2666 ghz
EVGA Nvidia GTX 570HD video (have a EVGA Nvidia 970 on order)
256gb Samsung 850 pro
Seagate 2tb hybrid hdd
Corsair HX1000i
Corsair H100i cooler
Coolermaster HAF935 stacker case
Coolermaster sickleflow green led fans
Win 8.1 64bit Pro

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Awesome looking and yikes gotta be fast. Nice and clean inside to put me to shame...I love the case and colors especially. What are all the buttons on top of the case. I can't quite see them.