sfc /scannow not successful in repairing files

  • Thread starter Thread starter JaniceLynne
  • Start date Start date


I ran sfc /scannow yesterday - OS XP SP3, CD XP SP3. It completed without giving me any notifications other than a number of:

"Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL cache."

I was prompted to click on 'retry'.

It lasted for around 40 minutes then closed.

I thought all had gone well until I looked in Event Viewer today. There are approximately 90 Windows File Protection entries there mostly with the following information:

The system file ........ could not be copied into the DLL cache. The specific error code is 0x800b0100 [No signature was present in the subject]. This file is necessary to maintain system stability.

I think the Help and Support Center that no longer functions properly was listed as being a bad file with a bad signature......and could not be restored to its original, valid version.

What do I need to do now please? Try again, try in Safe Mode or ? Please note I normally summon a computer technician for complicated work / reinstallation of Windows and I'm not able to do that at present.


Just read this ?:

When you install Service Pack 1, your event viewer may contain many Windows File Protection (WFP) error messages, similar to the following:

The system file c:\winnt\system32\xenroll.dll could not be copied into the DLL cache. The specific error code is 0x0000000 \[The operation completed successfully.\] This file is necessary to maintain system stability.

The system file c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\smtpadm.dll could not be copied into the dll cache. The specific error code is 0x00000002 \[The system cannot find the file specified.\] This file is necessary to maintain system stability.

The system file c:\winnt\system32\gdi32.dll could not be copied into the DLL cache. The specific error code is 0x800b0100 \[No signature was present in the subject.\] This file is necessary to maintain system stability.

This is a problem that was corrected in SP1, but the updated SFC.DLL for the System File Checker (SFC) doesn't function until restart.

You may ignore these errors.


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