Severe debian live USB issues. Please help! dire situtation

  • Thread starter Thread starter moogoesthechicken
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this is what I have done so far

dmesg | tail

so my USB is /dev/sdc1 correct?

dd if=debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdc1 bs=4M; sync (this is the command someone told me to use)

dd: opening `debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso': No such file or directory

I have the file right on a folder on the desktop, and it can't find it. please help. I don't even want to do much in the live environment of debian wheezy, I just want to use it so that I can install debian wheezy and save my computer, and I hope I really will love debian.

I can't install any repos or anything because they don't work, my whole linux mint is falling apart and my computer is dying, so no unetbootin.... very lost, please help.

edit: this is what I ended up doing to find the right path on my desktop to mount the usb, hopefully the right way.

find . -iname debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso

and then

dd if=./Desktop/debian-live-7.4-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M; sync

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