Server 2012 - merge folders as default?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ze Blade
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Ze Blade


I've just been playing around with a student copy of Server 2012, trying to catchup on the changes (after taking a few years out of working in IT to study a degree).

One thing I've noticed is that if I copy a folder on top of another folder the default behaviour is to merge to two folders without asking for confirmation (I'm sure this was never the case on any other version of Windows??? Actually scrap that, I just tried it with Windows 8 and was surprised to find out it happens on W8 too, although it doesn't happen on Windows 7!). I'm 99% sure previous server builds didn't do this (unfortunately I don't have one handy to test it).

To give an example of the issue:

Say I have C:/files

I create a new folder C:/files/docs

A few months down the line my "/files" folder has grown massive (at least 640K! I know, I know. Urban myth! Bite me!).. and now contains hundreds of sub-folders, I've totally forgotten that it contains a "/docs" folder! Now I have another "/docs" folder in another directory which would like to store in "/files" so I cut and paste it and..... in previous versions of windows I would have got something like:

"The Destination already contains a folder called "docs" (...) Do you still want to merge this folder?"

To which I answer Yes/No/(All). Now, in the current Window versions, the two folders just "merge" together (I'm not even sure "merge" is the right term, as the destination folder keeps the permissions it already had, ignoring any on the folder you are pasting). Now, I'm not dealing with sensitive information, but I can imagine scenarios where this might not be desirable behaviour.

Unless the two folders contain a file with the same name (in which case you do get a dialogue, asking if you want to overwrite the file), you don't even get a warning that there is already a folder with that name (with different permissions) in the folder you are pasting into!

Is there a setting? policy? registry hack? anything? which returns to pre-windows 8/server 2012 way of asking if you're sure you want to merge folders?

TL:DR version. I want to bring back the "The Destination already contains a folder called "<whatever>" (...) Do you still want to merge this folder?" dialogue!

Thanks in Advance.


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