seperate voice and game sound on vent or TS2


Active Member
Sep 24, 2004
I'm exploring the idea of getting the voice data for Ventrillo or Teamspeak 2 to play seperate of the game sound, ie. voice goes to headset, game sound goes to the surround sound. I already have a sound card. A headset like the Plantronics DSP-100 Digitally-Enhanced USB Headset has a built in soundcard so I think logically I could tell vent or ts2 to use that particular I/O channel while the game uses the default sound device (installed sound card). I'd like to hear from somone that has already done this or perhaps theres a problem that I haven't thought of.
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i've heard it might be possible to use a second soundcard and force ts ort ventrillo to use it instead of your main sound card. the extra card wouldn't even need to be very good seen as how it will only be doing ts or ventrillo.

might even be possible to use onboard sound this way if you have it.

haven't tried it myself though, but if you can it'd be worth trying out.
I wanted to say thanks for the suggestion. I totally ignored the fact that I had onboard sound because its been disabled for so long. I've tested for stability after having two sound card drivers installed and haven't had any problems. I can record and playback my voice on the onboard channels in teamspeak or vent while playing music/games on the other channel so that tells me that things are good to go, I just haven't gotten around to setting up a session yet :) I was surpised with the little amount of feedback with the cheapo headset that I do have, but I am going to still pick up a .Audio 50 for its voice clarity features. It will probably be easier to use/tune in this type of environment.

BTW, you saved me about $40.00 :D
venger said:
I wanted to say thanks for the suggestion. I totally ignored the fact that I had onboard sound because its been disabled for so long. I've tested for stability after having two sound card drivers installed and haven't had any problems. I can record and playback my voice on the onboard channels in teamspeak or vent while playing music/games on the other channel so that tells me that things are good to go, I just haven't gotten around to setting up a session yet :) I was surpised with the little amount of feedback with the cheapo headset that I do have, but I am going to still pick up a .Audio 50 for its voice clarity features. It will probably be easier to use/tune in this type of environment.

BTW, you saved me about $40.00 :D

glad to see it worked, i knew i had read about others doing this on another forum, just wasn't sure how it worked out for them.