sendmail -- how to route mail through two ips on one machine?????

  • Thread starter Thread starter billollib
  • Start date Start date


I have run into an odd problem, and I'm at a complete loss. I have a computer that is assigned 5 static ip addresses, and runs 5 different (virtual) web hosts. Until recently, however, all the users on that machine were assigned email addresses on only one of the domains. A new user, however, has an address on a second domain.

I have my mail server setting one domain (and ip address) as the smart host, and am using it to relay mail from the second domain (which, again, is on the same machine). This works everywhere except for, which does a reverse lookup, finds that the domain of the sender and the domain of the relay are different, and rejects the mail.

To be concrete: = billoblog-dot-com = cindyo-dot-net

but both are on the same physical machine. The name server is on the same machine. In the named records, I have "hope-dot-billoblog-dot-com" as the MX record for the billoblog-dot-com domain and "www-dot-cindyo-dot-net" as the MX record for the cindyo-dot-net domain.

Mail sent from, say, (I'm not using the at sign because the forum rejects it) gets sent everywhere fine.
Mail sent from, say, gets sent everywhere but SuddenLink fine. Suddenlink complains because the MX server for cindyo-dot-net is billoblog-dot-com. I assume that SuddenLink assumes something is being spoofed -- a call to SuddenLink was nonresponsive.

So, what I would like to do is have mail from have hope-dot-billoblog-dot-com show up as its mx server and mail from show up as www-dot-cindyo-dot-net as its mx server.

In my file, I have "hope-dot-billoblog-dot-com" as my SMART HOST. If I do "hope-dotbilloblog-dot-com:www-dot-cindyo-dot-net" as my SMART HOST, I get local errors of looped MX records...

Any help would be appreciated.


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