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to jimmy s

Hi all how can I put a password on my new PC so the kids can not fire it up ?
is it possible ?
Regards Wills
to jimmy s wrote:
> Hi all how can I put a password on my new PC so the kids can not fire it up ?
> is it possible ?
> Regards Wills

Remove and hide the power cord. Or, if your kids aren't very computer
savvy, put a password in the BIOS.

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"to jimmy s" <> wrote in message

> Hi all how can I put a password on my new PC so the kids can not fire it
> up ?
> is it possible ?

If you want to prevent anyone from even starting the computer, you might
want to go into the BIOS setup program and set a password there. Consult
your manual for how to do this it's not a Windows function and is different
on different machines.

But how old are the kids? If they are young, this should be fine, but if
they are teenagers, they probably know or can figure out how to get around
it. It's not very hard to do so.

Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP Windows: Shell/User
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