Searching for white space in environment variable

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Trying to find a way to search for white space in an environment
variable. Batch file running on XP. Let's say I have a variable
test1 that equals "word", but then another that equals "word
another". Trying to to figure out when an environment variable has a
space in it. findstr.exe seems to support regular expressions, so I
thought I could do "findstr /R \s %test1%", but findstr.exe only seems
to want to search files and not variables. Any ideas how to approach
this? Thanks.

<> wrote in message
> Trying to find a way to search for white space in an environment
> variable. Batch file running on XP. Let's say I have a variable
> test1 that equals "word", but then another that equals "word
> another". Trying to to figure out when an environment variable has a
> space in it. findstr.exe seems to support regular expressions, so I
> thought I could do "findstr /R \s %test1%", but findstr.exe only seems
> to want to search files and not variables. Any ideas how to approach
> this? Thanks.
> Steve

Try this:

echo %test1%|find " ">nul&&echo Space found
<> wrote in message
> Trying to find a way to search for white space in an environment
> variable. Batch file running on XP. Let's say I have a variable
> test1 that equals "word", but then another that equals "word
> another". Trying to to figure out when an environment variable has a
> space in it. findstr.exe seems to support regular expressions, so I
> thought I could do "findstr /R \s %test1%", but findstr.exe only seems
> to want to search files and not variables. Any ideas how to approach
> this? Thanks.
> Steve

Here is a more elegant method.

if not "%test1%"=="%test1: =%" echo Space found