SCO Group Disputes Novell Copyright Claim


Active Member
Dec 24, 2003
Melbourne, FL
By MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press Writer

Novell Inc. of Provo said it believes it owns the copyrights for Unix, and it has applied for and received copyright registrations.

This story seems to get more interesting with new press release, but this one seems pretty funny if nothing else. With Novell claiming to still own the Unix copyrights, this could have a huge impact on this case if there is actually anything behind the Novell claims.

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Now that Bob has the frontpage news working, you can go ahead and post there. Thats where Chris and I have been posting recently
There was an email by Linus Torvalds that I read yesterday. He said that the SCO claims to some of the code is flatout wrong. He wrote the code himself in 1991. SCO under pressure released the source to the disputed code and after Linus looked at it he found bugs that he admits to putting in the code because he was a newbie and made newbie mistakes.
I'll post the article later this evening.
Yea, I read that earlier on one of the newsfeeds. Thought it was pretty funny. Something about "horrible macros" that he made when he was just starting :)
That's actually quite funny, SCO seems to be getting more & more desprate, this is almost sinking to the level of a soap opera. I can't wait to see whats going to happen next.