Right click - Windows Freeze - After Accessing My Computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daruma
  • Start date Start date


Hello all,
Have Windows XP H.E./SP2 on a HP Pav zv5000 laptop. 60GB HD mem 2GB Ram
Pent4 3.00GHz. The problem is when Left Clk My Computer - Rt Clk any drive
icon - Left Clk Properties in the drive window - Left clk any of the options
- close the open windows and finally close My Computer - the System Tray
Icons, Start Button, all desk top icons do not respond to any amount of
"clicking". The only way I can "unfreeze" windows is to open Task Manager
(thankfully I can do that) using Ctrl-Alt-Dlt and selecting Restart or Turn
off then booting again. I have not seen this behaviour in opening any other
program or window whether it be with a left click or right. Just when I
access the drive icons. I can left click on the drive icons with no ill
effects. Another note - the above described behaviour occurs the same way in
Safe Mode and if logged on under another Administrator ID. If I choose to
close My Computer (after entering a drive and right clicking into the menu of
the drive) with Task Manager to end task of My Computer - it will close My
Computer but all of the Desktop Icons, Start Button, Sys Tray Icons and Task
Bar momentarily flask off and then reappear as if a larger amount of memory
was just used. Some of the icons in the Sys Tray do not always return. I can
open programs and what remains on the desktop is accessible. Last note -
after the desk top is frozen and I have to use Task Manager to reboot -
windows shuts down but always shows a window indicating CTFMON.EXE is saving
data and closing. It closes followed by EXPLORER.EXE is saving data and
closing - explorer isn't responding so another window puts up indicating
EXPLORER.EXE is not responding so at that point I click the END TASK button
and windows will shutdown or reboot (if I choose restart). After reboot all
is well again except if I go back into a drive folder by right clicking.
I seldom use this pathway to the drive menus so I don't know when this
behaviour started. Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist me with solving
this small but annoying issue.
Daruma Te