resizing "sections" of an interface?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
My music software's interface is made up of a few different sections, playlist area, track library, left deck, right deck areas e.t.c. I would like to resize only 1 of those sections to fill the entire screen, if not, then as big as possible. I have searched the net for a resizer for this but have only come across "window" resizers, since my software is not made up of separate windows, this won't work so I need somehting that will enlarge certain sections of a page, pic or interface.
The closest thing I have seen that might help is an image resizer software that took a pic of a child in a yard and was able to crop the image of the child and made the image of the child much bigger, I have written to them but haven't gotten a reply so I am asking here if any of you guys may know of something or have any leads/advice that might help? Thanks.
There is a rudimentary magnifier tool in the Accesibility Tools set of windows accessories. It may help; I'm not sure if you want to resize the interface to see it or just to fill the screen ...
That was the very first thing I tried Gavin but found 2 problems using that magnifier, one, when the section of the interface was magnified it was blurry and two, I could not get the section when magnified to fit the sceen as the windows magnifier has limitations, thanks for the input, anything else?