Reminder: Financial analysts want to move Apple's stock price, not inform its customers

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Rene Ritchie

Financial analysts say the dumbest things — if Apple doesn't release an iWatch in the next two months they're doomed, supply chain sources say unannounced products are delayed or have defects and are doomed, products aren't selling fast enough, or are selling too fast, or— you get the idea. And they're almost always wrong. So why do they say these things and, more importantly, how can anyone who covers Apple for investors be wrong so goram-always and still keep their jobs? Because informing people like us, customers who actually buy and enjoy Apple products isn't their job.

Financial analysts don't work for us. They work for their clients. They work for people who make money off of movement in Apple stock, either up or down. Financial analysts say things to move the stock so that their clients can buy or sell and make that money. They don't care about facts or truth, they care about making money. They don't release statements, give quotes, or leak reports to help customers make smarter and better buying decisions, they do it to panic or goad regular people into selling or buying strictly on behalf of the clients who acted on their advice before it went public.

That's why we don't publish what financial analysts say here on iMore. To do so would only serve their agenda. Not ours. Not yours. We'd be helping them move the stock. We'd be doing exactly what they want us to do. And, frankly, we're here for you, not for them to take advantage of you.

Update: I should point out that industry analysts can provide excellent data and information. People like Ben Bajarin, Benedict Evans, Ben Thompson, etc. are different in kind from the financial analysts referenced here.

So the next time you see a financial analyst being referenced in an article about Apple remember what their job really is and who they really work for and then place what they say in that context. Then close the browser and run.

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