Reinstall of XP


Jan 13, 2005
I have the SP2 updates for XP, after doing so I have removed some files that I should',nt have. Now I when try to reinstall my XP it say that I can't due to newer version, when I restart the system with the CD,it starts to load but at a certin point
my system just shuts down and I mean it dies and no changes were made.
I tried to copy the I386 files hoping this would help but to no
I'm not a programmer so I have no idea what to do.

No can due,system restore has no restore points now.
I have tried several times to reinstall my windows by the CD
and every time the system will get to the point where for 1 brief instant i see where it say R to repair and the my laptop just shuts down dead.
I'm at a loss here. If it tries to boot and then dies it could either be a dying or dead HD, cdrom or the XP cd is bad. I would tend to think it is a bad XP cd. Try going into the bios and see if the hd and cdrom are there. If they are then try another XP cd.
To ask the obvious, is your battery fully charged or running on ac power?
I'm at a loss here. If it tries to boot and then dies it could either be a dying or dead HD, cdrom or the XP cd is bad. I would tend to think it is a bad XP cd. Try going into the bios and see if the hd and cdrom are there. If they are then try another XP cd.
To ask the obvious, is your battery fully charged or running on ac power

How do I get to the bios?
To the Obvious My laptop say that there is no battery and it is
but the ac power is not charging it and this just happened last night, I have my laptop plugged in but my system says that there is no battery. LOL maybe I should just leave it alone so as I don't mess it up anymore.