Reducing Drivers Loaded During Install


Jan 4, 2004
Ledyard, CT USA
Whenever I've installed an NT-based OS, be it NT4, 2K, or XP, the installer always seems to want to load a massive number of drivers, most of which seem unrelated to the system I'm installing on. I mean, I counted 10 separate keyboard drivers once! Is there some way to speed up the install process by specifying which drivers are needed ahead of time?
The install will alwys load all drivers for any possible hardware config a user might have. There is no option to cut down on what is loaded. They want the installer to be as dumbed down as possible. Load everything so even the average Joe with no comp experience can install the OS.
I don't agree with it being this way. I know if I had an option to load only drivers for the hardware I have it would cut install time in half. There should be a way for experienced users to load the drivers they need. Something like what FreeBSD has. With FreeBSD you create and format the file system and then load the drivers for you hardware. The only thing loaded are those drivers.