Recommend An ISP


Active Member
Jul 31, 2014
I'm presently using "Hotwire Communications" cable as my ISP & i'm very dissatisfied with them. Who do you have & why do you like them? I am considering Verizon DSL or Fios.
I have Comcast and I love them. The speeds are out of this world and the customer service is great. No complaints.

My daughter has Verizon Fios and has had them for about four years. Her speeds aren't nearly what mine are and she pays a lot more.

speed tesst.png
Hi N3.
I can't really help you as I am not in the US.
The members here that have Verizon seem quite happy.:)

EDIT. Didn't see your post, Cindy till now.
Take notice of Cindy, N3. She knows best.
I have heard Verizon is good.

What options do you have available in your area? Sometimes, like my area, the only options are Comcast and AT&T DSL, you're choices might not be great.
Well after calling the major internet companies they can only provide me with wireless services. I'm presently using a hardwire service. I'll have to be content with what i have.