Windows NT Reason for RDP failing after reboot?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SilkBC
  • Start date Start date



I have noticed with some Windows Server 2003 servers I manage that
after rebooting via an RDP session after applying Windows updates that
everything wil come back up except for the RDP service itself. I can
ping the server, connect to any shares it may have, use mail services
(if Exchange), etc. I have this happen with both SP1 and SP2
machines, so it doesn't seem to be a service pack issue.

Nothing in the Event Logs indicate what the cause may be. A
subsequent reboot always resolves the issue (I usually either have to
go there and reboot by logging in on the console, or if I have access
to another machine on the network, I am usually able to issue a remote
reboot command which does the trick)

I have seen other posts with similar issue but no indication of the
cause. I am not 100% positive it is due to applied updates, but it is
the only time it has ever happened other times the servers that have
experienced this issue have been rebooted for other reasons, the
problem has not come up.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate hearing them

Thanks! :-)