Really Stupid Video Problem

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Although I love Win98 and would not touch XP or above with someone
elses computer on a 10 foot pole, I must say that 98 can get stupid
once and awhile. Its doing that right now. I have an older P3
700mhz. It came with a built in video card, which would work some
days, and other days the screen was all flakey, like all small colored
squares with binary code in it. Rather than scrap the whole
motherboard, I plugged in a Virge PCI card that I had in an even older
computer. Much to my surprise, the video quality and speed was even
better and I no longer have that scrambled screen every few days.

However, when I first plugged in that card, I had to go online to get
the drivers for it. In order to go online without bothering friends
to use their computer, I just set the card to the generic VGA PCI
setting. Once I downloaded the correct driver, I installed that one.
That was a few months ago. Yesterday I went into Device Manager for
another reason and noticed one of those yellow error thingies under
video. It was showing two drivers. One is the correct driver for
this Virge card, (which was ok). The other was that generic VGA PCI
driver, which is the one with the yellow error. I simply selected
that driver and used the REMOVE option. I thought that was the end of

Wrong !!!!
Everytime I now boot, I get a message "installing new hardware, PCI
VGA driver". Then it asks me to select a driver or let the computer
do it automatically. Everytime I have hit the CANCEL button and
everytime I boot up, I got to go thru this hassle again and again.....

My video works great the way it is. Why does this thing keep bugging
me, and how do I get rid of it. I thought the REMOVE was supposed to
do like it says..... "Remove it".

I'm not sure where this information is stored but I just ran Reg
Seeker to see if the registry needs to be cleaned up. Somehow I dont
think thats going to stop it.

What do I do?


Franke wrote:
> Although I love Win98 and would not touch XP or above with someone
> elses computer on a 10 foot pole, I must say that 98 can get stupid
> once and awhile. Its doing that right now. I have an older P3
> 700mhz. It came with a built in video card, which would work some
> days, and other days the screen was all flakey, like all small
> colored squares with binary code in it. Rather than scrap the whole
> motherboard, I plugged in a Virge PCI card that I had in an even
> older computer. Much to my surprise, the video quality and speed
> was even better and I no longer have that scrambled screen every
> few days.
> However, when I first plugged in that card, I had to go online to
> get the drivers for it. In order to go online without bothering
> friends to use their computer, I just set the card to the generic
> VGA PCI setting. Once I downloaded the correct driver, I installed
> that one. That was a few months ago. Yesterday I went into Device
> Manager for another reason and noticed one of those yellow error
> thingies under video. It was showing two drivers. One is the
> correct driver for this Virge card, (which was ok). The other was
> that generic VGA PCI driver, which is the one with the yellow
> error. I simply selected that driver and used the REMOVE option.
> I thought that was the end of it.
> Wrong !!!!
> Everytime I now boot, I get a message "installing new hardware, PCI
> VGA driver". Then it asks me to select a driver or let the computer
> do it automatically. Everytime I have hit the CANCEL button and
> everytime I boot up, I got to go thru this hassle again and
> again.....
> My video works great the way it is. Why does this thing keep
> bugging me, and how do I get rid of it. I thought the REMOVE was
> supposed to do like it says..... "Remove it".
> I'm not sure where this information is stored but I just ran Reg
> Seeker to see if the registry needs to be cleaned up. Somehow I
> dont think thats going to stop it.

If you don't get a solution,do this...

1. Open Device Manager
2. Select the errant card
3. Properties>General tab
4. Tick "Disable in this hardware profile"

That won't get rid of it but should restrain Windows from bugging you.



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<> wrote in message
> Although I love Win98 and would not touch XP or above with someone
> elses computer on a 10 foot pole, I must say that 98 can get stupid
> once and awhile. Its doing that right now. I have an older P3
> 700mhz. It came with a built in video card, which would work some
> days, and other days the screen was all flakey, like all small colored
> squares with binary code in it. Rather than scrap the whole
> motherboard, I plugged in a Virge PCI card that I had in an even older
> computer. Much to my surprise, the video quality and speed was even
> better and I no longer have that scrambled screen every few days.
> However, when I first plugged in that card, I had to go online to get
> the drivers for it. In order to go online without bothering friends
> to use their computer, I just set the card to the generic VGA PCI
> setting. Once I downloaded the correct driver, I installed that one.
> That was a few months ago. Yesterday I went into Device Manager for
> another reason and noticed one of those yellow error thingies under
> video. It was showing two drivers. One is the correct driver for
> this Virge card, (which was ok). The other was that generic VGA PCI
> driver, which is the one with the yellow error. I simply selected
> that driver and used the REMOVE option. I thought that was the end of
> it.
> Wrong !!!!
> Everytime I now boot, I get a message "installing new hardware, PCI
> VGA driver". Then it asks me to select a driver or let the computer
> do it automatically. Everytime I have hit the CANCEL button and
> everytime I boot up, I got to go thru this hassle again and again.....
> My video works great the way it is. Why does this thing keep bugging
> me, and how do I get rid of it. I thought the REMOVE was supposed to
> do like it says..... "Remove it".
> I'm not sure where this information is stored but I just ran Reg
> Seeker to see if the registry needs to be cleaned up. Somehow I dont
> think thats going to stop it.
> What do I do?

It's probably the the listing for your now unused on-board video...
just ignore it and don't worry about it
<> wrote in message
> Although I love Win98 and would not touch XP or above with someone
> elses computer on a 10 foot pole, I must say that 98 can get stupid
> once and awhile. Its doing that right now. I have an older P3
> 700mhz. It came with a built in video card, which would work some
> days, and other days the screen was all flakey, like all small colored
> squares with binary code in it. Rather than scrap the whole
> motherboard, I plugged in a Virge PCI card that I had in an even older
> computer. Much to my surprise, the video quality and speed was even
> better and I no longer have that scrambled screen every few days.
> However, when I first plugged in that card, I had to go online to get
> the drivers for it. In order to go online without bothering friends
> to use their computer, I just set the card to the generic VGA PCI
> setting. Once I downloaded the correct driver, I installed that one.
> That was a few months ago. Yesterday I went into Device Manager for
> another reason and noticed one of those yellow error thingies under
> video. It was showing two drivers. One is the correct driver for
> this Virge card, (which was ok). The other was that generic VGA PCI
> driver, which is the one with the yellow error. I simply selected
> that driver and used the REMOVE option. I thought that was the end of
> it.
> Wrong !!!!
> Everytime I now boot, I get a message "installing new hardware, PCI
> VGA driver". Then it asks me to select a driver or let the computer
> do it automatically. Everytime I have hit the CANCEL button and
> everytime I boot up, I got to go thru this hassle again and again.....
> My video works great the way it is. Why does this thing keep bugging
> me, and how do I get rid of it. I thought the REMOVE was supposed to
> do like it says..... "Remove it".
> I'm not sure where this information is stored but I just ran Reg
> Seeker to see if the registry needs to be cleaned up. Somehow I dont
> think thats going to stop it.
> What do I do?
> Thanks
> Franke

Boot to Safe Mode > Device Manager and remove any/all devices listed in Display
Close out and reboot.
When back at the Normal desktop and Windows detects the device, do not let Windows
install the drivers if possible, select to install from a location/list and click
Select Display Adapters and click Next.
Do not select anything in the list of manufacturers and click the Have Disk button.
Browse to the directory/folder where you have the downloaded Virge drivers stored.
Select the .inf file in the folder and click Ok > Ok > Next.
Follow the prompts to complete the driver installation and reboot if required.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question: wrote in

> Although I love Win98 and would not touch XP or above with
> someone elses computer on a 10 foot pole

Hello, brother!

I used to have similar problems with 95 and 98 constantly trying
to install stuff that been working fine and IIRC disabling
"plug-and-pray" in the BIOS took care of it. I really can't
remember for sure.

Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to

> I used to have similar problems with 95 and 98 constantly trying
> to install stuff that been working fine and IIRC disabling
> "plug-and-pray" in the BIOS took care of it. I really can't
> remember for sure.

forgive interuption,
did you fix back pnp afterward. can you still pnp if not enabled?
many thank you.
if not re-enable, how do you use pnp? what things can you now use?
if you renable, did it solve?
is yours pnp now? if so, why if not necessary.

> --
> Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to
> reality.
"sarim2" <sarim@sarim.sar> wrote in

>> I used to have similar problems with 95 and 98 constantly
>> trying to install stuff that been working fine and IIRC
>> disabling "plug-and-pray" in the BIOS took care of it. I
>> really can't remember for sure.

> forgive interuption,
> did you fix back pnp afterward. can you still pnp if not
> enabled? many thank you.
> if not re-enable, how do you use pnp? what things can you
> now use? if you renable, did it solve?
> is yours pnp now? if so, why if not necessary.

Well, it's not really a matter of "fixing". Plug-and-play (a
tech friend of mine was the first one I heard call it "plug-and-
pray" since it is basically a bug, excuse me, "a feature") was
one of the earlier efforts of Microsoft to make computers usable
by total idiots and also making them almost totally
uncontrollable, which has culminated in the gigantic stinking
piece of garbage known as Vista. I shudder to think of what's
next. Sorry, I digress.

There is no need whatsoever to have PnP turned on at all, if you
turn it back on, you will be back in the same "Windows has
found... It will not attempt to install" or whatever the
messages are.

I have it permanently turned off on both my computers and the
only effect is faster boot up and no stupid messages asking me
to install things which have been installed and working fine for

If you ever need to install any new device, it is MUCH faster,
safer, and better to just do it manually. PnP is just a stupid

Hope this clarifies it a bit.

Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to
Perhaps this will help explain it for you:

Setting the plug and play BIOS option (PNP OS) in CMOS Setup
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"sarim2" <sarim@sarim.sar> wrote in message
>> I used to have similar problems with 95 and 98 constantly trying
>> to install stuff that been working fine and IIRC disabling
>> "plug-and-pray" in the BIOS took care of it. I really can't
>> remember for sure.

> forgive interuption,
> did you fix back pnp afterward. can you still pnp if not enabled?
> many thank you.
> if not re-enable, how do you use pnp? what things can you now use?
> if you renable, did it solve?
> is yours pnp now? if so, why if not necessary.
>> --
>> Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to
>> reality.
