Re: Windows XP SP3

  • Thread starter Thread starter wwwqueen
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Hey Bruce,

I don't care about new and shiny too much - but how about extremely useful -
and this is the end of 2H 2007 - still no SP3 and I'm not going to Vista
anytime soon - so please, Microsoft, get it to us before I have to spend ALL
my time downloading updates for a reconfigured PC.

I read in eWeek Newsbreak that Microsoft hasn't been hibernating and we are
going to get SP3 - but I can't find any mention in MS Downloads.


"Bruce Chambers" wrote:

Not so strange, really, when you stop to think about it. A great many
> people simply and irrationally lust after the "newest and shiniest,"
> regardless of whether or not they actually have any need for it. These
> people are the unthinking products of an unbridled consumer society,
> continuously "programmed" to believe that this year's model/style car
> (or toaster, hot tub, blue jeans) is far superior to last year's
> model/style, and that only losers won't be buying it.
> --
> Bruce Chambers
> Help us help you:
> They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin
> Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of
> chains and slavery? .... I know not what course others may take, but as
> for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -Patrick Henry
This conversation - in its entirety:

Bruce Chambers wrote:
> Not so strange, really, when you stop to think about it. A great
> many people simply and irrationally lust after the "newest and
> shiniest," regardless of whether or not they actually have any
> need for it. These people are the unthinking products of an
> unbridled consumer society, continuously "programmed" to believe
> that this year's model/style car (or toaster, hot tub, blue jeans)
> is far superior to last year's model/style, and that only losers
> won't be buying it.

wwwqueen wrote:
> I don't care about new and shiny too much - but how about extremely
> useful - and this is the end of 2H 2007 - still no SP3 and I'm not
> going to Vista anytime soon - so please, Microsoft, get it to us
> before I have to spend ALL my time downloading updates for a
> reconfigured PC.
> I read in eWeek Newsbreak that Microsoft hasn't been hibernating
> and we are going to get SP3 - but I can't find any mention in MS
> Downloads.

If you look at the 'Service Pack Roadmap' whose link is in this very

Last Updated in October 2007...

SP3 for Windows XP Home Edition is currently planned for 1H CY2008. This
date is preliminary.
SP3 for Windows XP Professional is currently planned for 1H CY2008. This
date is preliminary.
SP1 for Windows Vista is planned for 1Q CY2008. This date is based on beta

A cursory search of these newsgroups/Google would reveal that Windows XP SP3
RC1 (Release Candidate 1 - so it is *not* the final version - use only if
you don't mind extra work and possible unsupported issues...)

SP3 Information (current information):

And to download it direct from Microsoft,
you have to 'stumble across' the link:

Othrwise you can download it from sites such as "BetaNews"...

Release Candidate 1 - so it is *not* the final version - use only if you
don't mind extra work and possible unsupported issues...

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Hi Shenan,

I actually saw that link right after I posted this, thanks - as far as I am
concerned, I want nothing to do with Vista - too expensive for the features I
need - I work for a municipality, and in case MS hasn't heard, budgets are
tight to strangulation when people have to pay taxes for the work. And, as a
network admin, I can tell Microsoft that this service pack (packaged update)
should have been released at least a year ago. They don't get my vote for
what they are doing with XP and Vista - for my home I am going to Linux. I
don't need bells and whistles and big drains on my pocket. I'll put Deep
Freeze on the d... thing before Ibuy Vista.

"Shenan Stanley" wrote:

> This conversation - in its entirety:
> Bruce Chambers wrote:
> > Not so strange, really, when you stop to think about it. A great
> > many people simply and irrationally lust after the "newest and
> > shiniest," regardless of whether or not they actually have any
> > need for it. These people are the unthinking products of an
> > unbridled consumer society, continuously "programmed" to believe
> > that this year's model/style car (or toaster, hot tub, blue jeans)
> > is far superior to last year's model/style, and that only losers
> > won't be buying it.

> wwwqueen wrote:
> > I don't care about new and shiny too much - but how about extremely
> > useful - and this is the end of 2H 2007 - still no SP3 and I'm not
> > going to Vista anytime soon - so please, Microsoft, get it to us
> > before I have to spend ALL my time downloading updates for a
> > reconfigured PC.
> >
> > I read in eWeek Newsbreak that Microsoft hasn't been hibernating
> > and we are going to get SP3 - but I can't find any mention in MS
> > Downloads.

> If you look at the 'Service Pack Roadmap' whose link is in this very
> conversation...
> Last Updated in October 2007...
> SP3 for Windows XP Home Edition is currently planned for 1H CY2008. This
> date is preliminary.
> SP3 for Windows XP Professional is currently planned for 1H CY2008. This
> date is preliminary.
> SP1 for Windows Vista is planned for 1Q CY2008. This date is based on beta
> feedback.
> A cursory search of these newsgroups/Google would reveal that Windows XP SP3
> RC1 (Release Candidate 1 - so it is *not* the final version - use only if
> you don't mind extra work and possible unsupported issues...)
> SP3 Information (current information):
> And to download it direct from Microsoft,
> you have to 'stumble across' the link:
> Othrwise you can download it from sites such as "BetaNews"...
> Release Candidate 1 - so it is *not* the final version - use only if you
> don't mind extra work and possible unsupported issues...
> --
> Shenan Stanley
> --
> How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
They don't get my vote for
: what they are doing with XP and Vista - for my home I am going to Linux.
: don't need bells and whistles and big drains on my pocket.

Or software applications that work.
> I actually saw that link right after I posted this, thanks -

Something to keep in mind regarding XP SP3 RC1 is the possibility that you
will have to uninstall it eventually in order to install SP3 Final, so you
will need to protect the uninstall files. Some aggressive disk cleaners
will nuke the security update backups in the Windows directory. Heck, I've
nuked them manually on occasion and then remembered that I shouldn't have