Re: SFC/scannow

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lillian2611
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I am experiencing an identical situation to the one originally described in
this thread (scannow wants XP and XP Service Pack CDs, no dllcache in the
system32 folder ... it's in the LastGood folder described by the original
poster). I'm thrilled to find that someone else has experienced it, not so
thrilled that it has never been updated with a reply from the original
poster, giving the answers to the questions from Darrell!

MY answers are: I'm running a Toshiba laptop and it arrived 'as is', with
the O/S and any service pack files already installed. I've got recovery CDs
but no retail copy of Windows XP (it's supposed to be Media Center Edition,
though the scannow wants me to insert the CDs for XP Professional, just like
for the original poster -- I know how to change the .inf files so that they
point to another CD, but since I don't have any CD other than the XP Service
Pack 2 CD I got for another system, this isn't helpful at all.). I've done
regular updates from Windows Update and I've never had a problem. In fact,
the only reason I ran scannow in the first place is because my IT Manager at
work thought it might solve a completely separate issue relating to my no
longer being able to map to our network drives!
The value Darrell asked about from my registry is the same as the one for
SourcePath: C:\WINDOWS.

Any ideas?

""Darrell Gorter[MSFT]"" wrote:

> Hello,
> The implication from the message is that the machine was installed first
> with Windows XP then updated to Service Pack 2.
> DLLCache is located at \windows\system32\dllcache.
> Now when creating images to decrease the footprint of the image, the
> dllcache is sometimes emptied or removed.
> Do you know how this machine was installed? Did it come preinstalled?
> What is the value at
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup:servicepa
> cksourcepath?
> This is where it is trying to locate the files. This key also means the
> the service pack was installed separately from the OS, not as one unit like
> your CD currently is.
> Thanks,
> Darrell Gorter[MSFT]
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights
> --------------------
> <Thread-Topic: SFC/scannow
> <thread-index: Aca4/xnwVc2HK03aQx2HR66rW4yyuw==
> <X-WBNR-Posting-Host:
> <From: =?Utf-8?B?bWdyeWFu?= <>
> <References: <>
> <#CnbXYPuGHA.4336@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>
> <Subject: Re: SFC/scannow
> <Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 19:22:01 -0700
> <Lines: 57
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> <X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
> <
> <The first thing I did was insert my OS disk before trying SFC -- that is
> <where I get the command to insert the SP2 disk.
> <
> <I have no WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DLLCACHE AND YES HIDDEN files view turned on.
> <Had already looked at the referenced page.
> <
> <"S.Sengupta" wrote:
> <
> <> How to use the scannow sfc tool in Windows XP
> <>
> <>
> <> regards,
> <> S.Sengupta[MS-MVP]
> <>
> <> mgryan wrote:
> <>
> <> > Would like to perform a SFC/scannow on my computer -- having problems
> with
> <> >
> <> > that command looking for a DLL Cache.
> <> >
> <> > My system:
> <> >
> <> > Windows XP Professional (5.01.2600 Service Pack 2)
> <> >
> <> > When I type sfc/scannow I get the following notice:
> <> >
> <> > Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to
> the DLL
> <> >
> <> > Cache. (Doesn't say where this Cache is supposed to be located.)
> <> >
> <> > Insert your Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD now.
> <> >
> <> > Since SP2 is included in my XP Professional install disk, I do not
> have a
> <> > seperate
> <> >
> <> > SP2 disk to insert in the drive.
> <> >
> <> > There is a file called dll cache:
> <> >
> <> > DLLCache in C:\WINDOWS\LastGood\system32
> <> >
> <> > An SP2 Cabinet file is in C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386
> <> >
> <> > Would it be workable if I copied the i386 to the DLL Cache - LastGood,
> or -
> <> > copy
> <> >
> <> > the contents of i386 to a disk?
> <> >
> <> > Or, do I need to order a SP2 disk from microsoft?
> <> >
> <> > Can't understand why after taking in billions of dollars, the program
> <> > writers can't
> <> >
> <> > get a simple thing like a file scan check done without jumping through
> hoops!
> <> >
> <> >
> <>
> <