Re: Microsoft brand is in deep decline

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb
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Moshe Goldfarb

On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:46:47 -0500, DFS wrote:

> Christopher Hunter wrote:
> We can always count on Chris Hunter for some howlers.
>> They are losing both - "market penetration" of M$ in (for example)
>> China is effectively zero. China is possibly the /biggest/ market on
>> the planet. Now that Dell, HP, Asus and many other manufacturers have
>> told M$ that they're not going to comply with the illegally
>> restrictive marketing methods that M$ have hitherto employed.

> Did they now? We missed the memo.
>> The biggest selling laptop on the planet right now (the Asus EEE) runs
>> Xandros Linux. This was a deliberate decision - partly because it
>> made the product much cheaper without the M$ licence, and partly
>> because the Xandros OS just works better on that hardware.

> According to Asus, the public demands Windows on the EeePC.
> It's nothing new - the world has always chosen "expensive" Windows over free
> Linux.
>> M$ have lost /any/ credibility they ever had - probably with the
>> release of Windoze 2000 - when those of us "in the know"

> Yeah, you and 8 other disgruntled turkeys.
>> realised
>> that it was the same old 1991 kernel with new eyecandy added on top.
>> XP was found to be the same thing yet again, and Vista just took XP
>> and added DRM.

> And dozens of other features and apps and new technologies
>> Vista has been shown to be totally unsuitable for any serious
>> business use (there goes 60% of their market)

> Do you have to be so stupidly wrong about everything you say?
>> and has the same old
>> vulnerabilities, instabilities and outrageous price.

> Lie on the vulnerabilities,
> Lie on the instabilities:
> Results 1 - 10 of about 731 for "Vista is more stable than XP"
> Results 1 - 10 of 10 for "Vista is less stable than XP"
> Lie on the price.
> Vista Home Premium SP1 upgrade, $95,
> XP Pro SP2 upgrade, $199,
> Lie lie lie lie lie... it's the "advocate" way
>> Even M$ admit that Vista's a dog,

> It's a veritable breed champ compared to the Linux mutt.
>> and have brought forward the release
>> of "Windows 7" by two years.

> Sure to be another big hit among the public, just like most Microsoft
> operating systems since 1990.
>> /This/ version will be largely "bought
>> in", as M$ no longer employ any useful programmers

> "...SharePoint ...had attracted 17,000 user companies, and eclipsed $1
> billion in sales..."
> "Late last year, an IDC survey of 300 users found 61% were deploying
> SharePoint enterprise-wide"
> One MS software product generates $1 billion in sales. It makes the puny
> Linux/OSS universe look like peanuts.
>> - their staff are
>> great at meetings, but incapable of doing any real, useful work.

> Is that why they fired you?
>> M$ are having to buy in the kernel, HAL, I/O and much of the rest of the
>> core of the OS.

> Prove any one of these lies, let alone all of them.
>> /Many/ companies have refused to assist M$ at /any/ price!

> How many? Which many?
> You were wrong or lied about everything in this post, as usual.
> Now run away, as usual.

A Linux advocate lying?


Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots: