Re: Linux passes critical mass

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Micoshaft Asstroturfer HangEveryRepubliKKKan wrote on behalf of big

> A

Micoshaft sales have plummeted to less than
one third of all OS sales in Japan.

Linux is distributed not sold.
Don't pay for any reports that fails to acknowledge that point!!

Linux is now going like hot cakes.

At least one million new Linux desktops per month and the rate is
accelerating. Is it reaching critical mass for wide adoption?
Well it passed that point in 2003.
75% of all new projects in major corporations
now use open source and Linux.

All free with source code.. thats why!

Hundreds of livecds and distros here
"7" <> wrote
> Micoshaft sales have plummeted to less than
> one third of all OS sales in Japan.

Ahahahahahahahahaha....And where did you pick up that bit of nonsense? Oh
ya... MacWorld.

They put Leopard sales at 60% and Vista sales at 29%. Leaving 11% for all
other operating systems XP (still being sold), Various flavours of Unix, and
of course the various propriatory OS's used in Japanese game machines and
propriatory hardware. And then the LinTard OS.

But wait.. There's more. These figures are only for OS only sales. And
don't include sales associated with the purchase of new machines, which of
course would skiew this result heavily back to the OS camp.

And what happens when all 1,000,000 MAC users finish upgrading by the end
of this month? Sales on the island will plumet, while sales of Vista will
continue at a growing pase as Vista is retro-adopted by people waiting for
Service Pack 1 to be released.