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On Oct 18, 9:41 am, Roy Schestowitz <>
> Netscape Navigator 9 for Linux takes a step ahead of Firefox
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Navigator 9 for Linux came out with some very interesting features that gives
> | it a new shine. To start, there is no need for a formal installation, it can
> | be executed from a terminal just like the ioswiftfox browser.
> `----
> Recent:
> .----
> | Mozilla user interface design specialist Alex Faaborg wrote a
> | lengthy blog entry last week about plans for the Firefox 3 visual
> | refresh. Faaborg explained the importance of creating applications
> | that visually integrate with the rest of the operating system and
> | displays screenshots of the new default Firefox 3 themes for Mac OS
> | X and Vista.
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | Although Faaborg's blog post provides much insight into the efforts
> | that Mozilla is investing in making Firefox 3 look right on Windows
> | and Mac OS X, one thing was absent from his blog post: Linux. Linux
> | users began posting comments on the blog requesting additional
> | information about plans for Linux visual integration.
> |
> | The concerns expressed by Linux users were initially dismissed by
> | Mozilla's lead user experience designer Mike Beltzner. "A visual
> | refresh for Linux has not been scoped nor added to the [product
> | requirements], and like previous incarnations, it will likely pick
> | up the Windows XP theme," wrote Beltzner. "In terms of relative
> | effort, it's not worth the time and investment cost for us to do
> | this."
> `----

Firefox has announced that Windows and Mac versions will receive an
interface upgrade but that the LINUX VERSION will remain as is.

So now the Linux propagandist Roy Schestowitz has to take the focus
off that little tidbit by claiming Netscape is leaving Firefox behind.

Face it Roy, Linux is ignored because it's market share is miniscule.
Why write for an OS that virtually nobody is interested in?

Netscape is antique technology, much like Linux so maybe they are a
good match.
Re: Is Netscape Leaving Firefox Behind on GNU/Linux? THE LINUX PROPAGANDAMACHINE CONTINUES. FIREFOX IGNORING LINUX............. using Google-Groups and proxy server wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Firefox has announced that Windows and Mac versions will
> receive an interface upgrade but that the LINUX VERSION will
> remain as is.
> So now the Linux propagandist Roy Schestowitz has to take the
> focus off that little tidbit by claiming Netscape is leaving
> Firefox behind.
> Face it Roy, Linux is ignored because it's market share is
> miniscule. Why write for an OS that virtually nobody is
> interested in?
> Netscape is antique technology, much like Linux so maybe they
> are a good match.

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