Re: Images versus disk Clones

  • Thread starter Thread starter Curt Christianson
  • Start date Start date

Curt Christianson

Thank you each and everyone of you for your responses. They are all
valuble, and this is the first time i've been in a position to make backups.

I' speaking to MS shortly that you all deserve a sizable raise due to you
efforts, and some of the "abuse: that has to put through. Retroactivly.
Good luck with your new found winfalls"

I for one am expections a (hunk of coal in my stocking), for what I've

A very good day to *all* of you!


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
| Thank you all for taking the time to read my question, although after all
| the time I've spent in this and other NG's I feel I should know the
| I understand *some* of the basis differences between a disk image, and a
| disk clone. Apparantly a clone may be bootable, an ready to run provided
| it installed in the proper BIOs channel along with it's coresponding
| settings.
| My understanding of any ISO image,it is not bootable and it is also a
| bit-for-bit reproduction,--albeith in only ONE file?? Apparantly raw ISO
| image is *not* bootiful. I don't understand this is that I thought an
| is a bit-by-bit exact copoy of the original.
| I realize we don't usually use AUTOEXEC.BAT and more, or even ConFig.sys,
| but there still must be bootable files on an ISO image, that left by
| themselves just can boot. I know I'm missing something in the boot or
| structure anywhere, and would be so appreciative if one could explain it
| me, or know of a good site that, in this case, assumes I know
| nothing.(That's getting closer all the time ;-(
| Why for example can't i make a duplicate XP install disk as a back-up,
| the native "copy" command, and get it to boot?? AArrrrrgggggghhhhh!
| quess this all has to do with different file structures between medium.
| Some kind of boot files do not allowed themselves to be copied in this
| matter, and I want to know why.
| If I take a simple DOS 6.22 disc, do a copy *.* to a destination drive,
| it works flawlessly. Xp sure doesn't/won't do this As i've said, I'm
| to all ideas, lectures, or re-directs to other web-sites.
| I' asking all this now becuse I've never been with the abiilty to back up,
| and had a CD-rom burner before. It's high time **I**finally started
| backups. Yes Rock and finally got through to me)!
| Thank you for all you time and effort this rather lenght post, (nobody)
| every accussed my of not enough detail <VBG>
| --
| HTH,
| Curt
| Windows Support Center
| Practically Nerded,...
You appear to be under a slight misconception. While this newsgroup
is sponsored by Microsoft, the respondents are not MS employees.
They are all volunteers, making their knowledge available to the wider
community free of charge.

"Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
> Thank you each and everyone of you for your responses. They are all
> valuble, and this is the first time i've been in a position to make
> backups.
> I' speaking to MS shortly that you all deserve a sizable raise due to you
> efforts, and some of the "abuse: that has to put through. Retroactivly.
> Good luck with your new found winfalls"
> I for one am expections a (hunk of coal in my stocking), for what I've
> inflicted.

I'ce been frequenting the MS groups for a number of years, and I realize you
"guys" are not MS employees. My comment was a weak attempt at some
humor--albeit weak *and* bad!

Again, thanks for everybodys help. Clones and images have always had me
confused, and I suspect it's because I've never had the chance (or need) to
use either.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"Pegasus (MVP)" <> wrote in message
| You appear to be under a slight misconception. While this newsgroup
| is sponsored by Microsoft, the respondents are not MS employees.
| They are all volunteers, making their knowledge available to the wider
| community free of charge.
| "Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
| news:OXAWwQ2uHHA.3364@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| > Thank you each and everyone of you for your responses. They are all
| > valuble, and this is the first time i've been in a position to make
| > backups.
| >
| > I' speaking to MS shortly that you all deserve a sizable raise due to
| > efforts, and some of the "abuse: that has to put through. Retroactivly.
| > Good luck with your new found winfalls"
| >
| > I for one am expections a (hunk of coal in my stocking), for what I've
| > inflicted.