Windows 2000 RE: Got antispychecker virus

  • Thread starter Thread starter Will Renkel
  • Start date Start date

Will Renkel (Will Renkel) wrote:
>Was looking for some music and clicked on preview and
>WHAM - got da bug
>Used spyhunter adaware norton and spybot
>got most out I think
>But still have flashing icon in tray
>and file C:/WINNT/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
>is constantly busy
>so I cant put a block site entry in there.
>goggle showed me some sites which have software downloads to fix it
>Are they trustable sites since the bug came from purported bug fix site?
>Or are there other suggestions for fixing it?
>W2k IE6 all patches installed
> Will Renkel
> Wheaton, Ill.

Got it fixed
"Spyhunter" got it all out after a couple of passes.
That seemed to be necessary as on first pass it said more would
be deleted on next boot.
So after reboot I ran it again and more was removed with yet more to be
removed on next boot
So reboot again and re-run and

also hosts file lock cleared when I changed options in ZoneAlarm firewall
(Didnt recall setting that option!)

Will Renkel
Wheaton, Ill.
