Re: Google.Earth.Pro.v4.1.7087

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281 Cor. 1:21.

29"They have seen the thing they have not seen the cause." St. Augustine,
Contra Pelagium, iv.

30Matt. 11:27 "Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to
whomsoever the Son will reveal him."

31Is. 45:15. "Verily, thou art a God that hidest thyself."

321 Cor. 1:17. "Lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."

33Rom. 1:17. "The just shall live by faith."

34Rom. 10:17. "Faith cometh by hearing."

35"I know." "I believe."

36Ps. 119. 36. "Incline my heart, O Lord."

[37]Wisd. of Sol. 15:8, 16. "He moulds a God... like unto himself."

38Matt. 18:3. "Except ye become as little children."

[39]Ps. 119:36. "Incline my heart, O Lord, unto thy testimonies."

40Cicero, De finibus, V. 21. "There is no longer anything which is ours
what I call ours is conventional."

[41]Seneca, Epistles, xcv. "It is by virtue of senatus-consultes and
plebiscites that one commits crimes."

[42]Tacitus, Annals, iii. 25. "Once we suffered from our vices today we
suffer from our laws."

43Saint Augustine, City of God, iv. 27. "As he has ignored the truth which
frees, it is right he is mistaken."

[44]Cicero, De officiis, iii, 17. "Concerning true law."

45Eccles. 3:19. "for all is vanity."

46Rom. 8:20-21. "It shall be delivered."

[47]Horace, Odes, III. xxix. 13. "Changes nearly always please the great."

48Seneca, Epistles, xx. 8. "In order that you are satisfied with yourself
and the good that is born from you."

[49]Montaigne, Essays, ii. 12.

50Cicero, De Divinatione, ii. 58. "There is nothing so absurd that it has