Re: firewall on budget ?

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On Jul 22, 11:44 pm, Leythos <v...@nowhere.lan> wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> > A DSL device that doesn't use NAT is so hard to find, I don't know
> > anybody in the UK that has one.

> > I'm asking this as a theoretical question , in the sense that i'm not
> > considering recommending them over NAT, so you needn't fear that!

> You don't want to look at cheap devices then, you want to use a Firewall
> Appliance in "Drop-In" mode - it still filters traffic based on rules,
> but it allows all ports (jacks) to have the same public IP.
> There is also 1:1 NAT, so that a single PUBLIC IP is routed to a single
> Why would you not want NAT?
> --
> Leythos

I would use NAT. But i'm wondering, theoretically, and since you say
it's a shame some end users don't use NAT, and ISPs should make it

What end users on DSL, don't use NAT . What devices are they buying,
can you link me to any? presumably you've seen some.