Re: Dell and Ubuntu Laptop

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On Sep 27, 11:36 pm, "[H]omer" <> wrote:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Jeremy Fisher spake thusly:
> > Well after a long wait, it arrived, plugged it in and turned on,
> > took one look and had a strange feeling of dread, it looked crap.
> > wide screen, but unable to change resolution, fonts were blurred,
> > colours washed out. Decided best thing to take it home and try to
> > resolve it, after a little digging managed to find the Intel graphics
> > driver and installed them, altered the resolution, changed the font
> > details and set for LCD screen. I now have a great looking screen.

> That is disappointing, I would have hoped that Dell would put a little
> more effort into configuring their Ubuntu images - after all, it only
> needs to be done /once/ per model.
> I recommend you contact both Dell and Canonical, tell them about the
> problem, and ask why they didn't set-up the system properly.
> > What I cannot understand, is why have Dell not spent a little time in
> > setting up the correct drivers

Of course you would have hoped.
Hope is all you have when you've dedicated your life to Linux.
I mean how much worse could it possibly get?
There is hope however but don't hold your breath because Dell doesn't
give a hoot about Linux. wrote:
>> Jeremy Fisher spake thusly:
>>> What I cannot understand, is why have Dell not spent a little time in
>>> setting up the correct drivers

> Of course you would have hoped.
> Hope is all you have when you've dedicated your life to Linux.
> I mean how much worse could it possibly get?
> There is hope however but don't hold your breath because Dell doesn't
> give a hoot about Linux.

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