Re: AMD X2: is the 2nd core used -- how do I know ??

  • Thread starter Thread starter carrera d'olbani
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carrera d'olbani

On Jul 9, 10:33 pm, "Sleepy" <> wrote:
> "carrera d'olbani" <> wrote in message
> > On Jul 5, 5:59 pm, "Sleepy" <> wrote:

> >> dual-core is *definitely* the way to go so you made the right choice - no
> >> question about it.

> > ...

> >> Most games that currently support multicores only use coarse threading -
> >> offloading one or two functions to the 2nd core.

> > Well, HL2 runs fine on my machine (AMD 64 X2 3600+) with its 1.9 GHz
> > first core. But perhaps I am glad that I got a dual core processor in
> > my homebuilt computer instead of single core. It is a novelty feeling
> > for me to see that the computer can switch between the applications
> > (e.g. game and word processor) smoothly. For the future games which
> > rely on a single core processor my computer will probably slow.

> *any* future game should have multi-core support built in - if it doesn't
> then
> that's just crap programming.
> > I have
> > a GeForce 7600GT card, and it runs smoothly on standard screen
> > (1280x1024), and it has a grunt up its sleeve. I have in post a new
> > wide LCD monitor coming (LG L194WT, 1440x900). The only thing I am
> > sorry is that I did not buy a larger (1680x 1050) monitor LG L205WD. I
> > played HL2 and Q4 with the vertical resolution 1024, and the pictured
> > human characters looked crisp and sharp. I played with the vertical
> > resolution 864 pixels (as in 1156x864), and the pciture looked crap
> > (not crisp anymore). The vertical resolution 960 pixels (as in
> > 1280x960) gave a semi-crisp picture in both games. This is the
> > vertical resolution which close to the vertical resolution of my soon-
> > to-arrive monitor LG L194WT. Oh crap, I cannot do anything about it
> > now :-(

> high resolutions like that are asking a lot of a 7600GT because its only
> 128bit
> memory interface. I have a 7900GS clocked to 600/700 and still I dont play
> many games at the native res of my LCD (1280x1024). Day of Defeat - I still
> prefer 1024x768 with 4x AA and AF.

Yes, it is tru ethat 7600GT has a 128 bit only bus. However, it seems
to be seriously overclocked, and has many vertices and pipes, so it
can work on par with the 256 bit bus videocards such as ATI X1800GTO,
see e.g.

> btw - my X2 3800 overclocks easy as pie from 10x200 to 10x240. I simply
> downclock the RAM from DDR400 to DDR333 and set the HTT to 800 (or 4x) and
> then raise the FSB. My mobo also allows me to run the PCI slots async
> (locked at 33) so I only overclock the CPU and without any extra voltage or
> cooling needed. You may want to try that with your 3600.

Wow. I never done overclocking before. Such a wonderful world for me
to explore ahead of me. At the very moment, the speed of my CPU seems
to be OK for me. But in the future I might overclock it as a first
measure... and might buy another CPU as the second measure.
spodosaurus wrote:
> >>> Wow. I never done overclocking before. Such a wonderful world for me
> >>> to explore ahead of me. At the very moment, the speed of my CPU seems
> >>> to be OK for me. But in the future I might overclock it as a first
> >>> measure... and might buy another CPU as the second measure.
> >> Overclocking is pointless these days.

> >
> > And why would that be ?

> Perhaps because the percent increase in performance is much much smaller
> compared to 8 or 9 years ago. Move on, it's a new millenium, spend the
> extra dollars you would on cooling for a better chip in the first place.

Agreed. No need to take the risk of overclocking now. Who needs the
BSOD's ?
