Re: Advice for Escaping Windows in Favour of Linux

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On Sep 25, 4:58 pm, The Ghost In The Machine
<> wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
> <>
> wrote
> on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 16:30:29 +0100
> <>:
> > How to Quit Windows and cope with Windows Withdrawal Syndrome

> > ,----[ Quote ]
> > | Now that you have decided to quit Windows for good and
> > | to switch over to a Desktop Linux Distribution, following
> > | these basic steps will help you a lot. Initially, a basic
> > | knowledge about GNU/Linux is important. What is it really
> > | and how does it differ from Windows?
> > `----

> >

> Heh. A few notes.
> [1] Intel, if I'm not totally mistaken, is on record as
> supporting Linux. Admittedly, a quick Google coughed
> up only a video and a wireless driver or two, and this
> three-year-old article:
> A search on Intel's website also coughed up their C++ compiler,
> a performance analyzer (VTune(tm)), a math kernel library
> (not sure if that's kernel as in Linux, kernel as in core,
> or kernel as in kerning transformations), a Fortran compiler,
> a threading library, and a whole lot of other stuff -- 12900
> in all, if the count's accurate.
> Kudos to Intel.
> [2] Drafts aren't hard on Linux, even if one is using gedit.
> CUPS is also very capable, if one wants to print them later.
> [3] I'm not sure I like the notion of destroying Windows
> install CDs (I'm a pack rat I admit it :-) )...the
> temptation is there, admittedly, but they'll also grow
> stale anyway. I have some Win95 stuff flying about, and
> even older Win3.1 installation packs. Do I use them? No.
> Still, for those of a certain mindset, it's probably best
> to put them out of reach, and if that involves destroying
> them, so be it.
> [4] "Back up and format" is an interesting requirement,
> but how does one restore later on? The article could be
> clearer on this. The good news: anyone familiar with DVD
> or CD burning software should be able to burn a DVD or CD
> that Linux can read, and I would be surprised if Linux
> can't read the Microsoft extensions (Joliet is the only
> one I'm somewhat familiar with). Or one can use ancient
> 1.44 MB floppies, or even tape drives, in a pinch.
> [5] As usual, the author(s) confuse Linux, the kernel, with
> an arbitrary Linux-based distribution. *shrug*
> [6] There is no mention of how to avoid Windows in
> new equipment, but that's probably beyond the scope of
> the article anyway. One of Microsoft's more insidious
> "innovations", after all, is the bundling of Windows
> on prepackaged PCs. Even if one later wipes Windows,
> Microsoft still gets paid.
> (lucky bastards :-) )
> --
> #191,
> Linux. Because life's too short for a buggy OS.


Has anyone ever told you Ghost In The Machine, that you are

B---O----R----I----N----G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why must you write a dissertation with every response?