Publisher 2013 has a very BIG problem ...


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
For many years I have used Publisher 2007 and 2010 to produce booklets for our mission organization. When Office 365 came on the market (In The Netherlands, a few days ago)
I took a subscription to it, because I thought
then I have the newest version
. But when I produced a booklet in Publisher 2013, my printer (a big commercial printer) mailed me that they could not print our booklets, because in Publisher 2013 (I then discovered) it is NOT possible
to make up booklets in the CMYK color scheme!!! And you must know that all commercial printers can only use files that are made up in the CMYK colors scheme,
because with RGB they cannot work. This means that now I cannot use Publisher 2013 and therefore I also had to cancel my subscription to Office 365 as well. This also means that the 99 euro that I paid for that
subscription, is now also wasted money! The printer then advised me to continue to work with Publisher 2010, because in that program it is possible to produce booklets the CMYK color scheme, AND THAT WORKS VERY GOOD …
and that I will do!!! I am very sorry for this, because in everything I always use the latest Microsoft products, with GREAT SATISFACTION!!! But this time Microsoft has really disappointed me and I feel very
sorry for this!!!
A disappointed MS-customer: Ben Hanegraaff from Holland.
P.S. But I hope that MS
will add this CMYK conversion button again
(as it is available in Publisher 2010) in a future update of Publisher 2013 which is part of the cloud-program Office 365. Because when I studied this problem I found
out that on the internet SO MANY PEOPLE are all complaining about this same problem … so I am NOT the only person who is complaining about this problem!

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