PseFrank's Pics


FPCH Staff
Sep 30, 2014
Cambridge UK
Many of the images you'll see here are Photoshop edits that I have carried out

over the years. I still have a passion for photo editing now.

When editing our photo's, we are only limited by our own imaginations.

Although I used to own one of these a few years back, the bike below is not mine. As you can see I've put my company name onto the bike, and removed it from it's original background.
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Thankyou for your comment Tony. Yes, the PSE is part of my logo but thats not why I posted the bike image. 90% of this thread will be devoted to examples of what can be done in photoshop. Photo editing has always been a passion of mine, but I have rarely done it for remuneration.

@Cindy... Thankyou Cindy. That's what all photoshoppers want to hear.... "It looks real"


This photoshop edit is one I'm very proud of. It won me first place in an on line editing competition. Nearly all the other entries where submitted by professional graphics artists.
Here's a fun thing to do. Take a photo of a piece of paper, in this case a map... and mess around with it in your favourite editing program.

Not all photo editing is done for fun. Sometimes it is done to restore a memory. The original photo here is 30 years old... My aim here was to put a smile on a mothers face..

I am so impressed. Not as much as what you've done, but by your imagination to make it happen.

I was a professional photographer for a time. Guess you call it professional because I got paid. I worked mostly for newspaper and advertising. I knew how to take a photo. I just never was creative. These photos are creative and I'm a bit envious.
I'm sure you're just being modest Tony. It's very kind of you to say that you're impressed. I am envious of you for being able to take a photo. That's something I never seem to get right. Now and again I might get a good one, but I think that's mostly down to luck.

You know just what to say to a guy Cindy... Thankyou. :)
I've seen some of yours, Dougie. You're pretty good at it yourself. :D
If you have learned from Frank, I can see why you are so good at it.
Frank is a very good instructor at all things computer so I can imagine that he would be a good one to learn from for Photoshop.
I can see that it takes a lot of patience and skill, not to mention how time consuming it must be.