Program stays in processes list after close


Jan 4, 2004
Ledyard, CT USA
I've been noticing lately that some of my programs (mostly the bigger memory hogs) fail to remove themselves from the processes list after I close them. The memory usage goes down to negligible levels, usually, but I can't help but feel that this is indicative of something more sinister. Has anyone heard of/seen a resolution to this kind of issue (apart from a rebuild; that's on the schedule, for when I get time)

I'm on XP Pro SP1, with all of the critical updates that have been offered since the SP.
Sounds like a memory leak to me. What app is it? Or is it happening to most of your programs?

Not sure if thats a XP thing. I run 2000 professional, have yet to come across that happening to all my memory hogs. Have you taken it down for a reboot lately?
Its mainly happening in 3dsmax, though other apps (photoshop, visual studio) will randomly do it to (max is run more than the others). The bugger is that its not consistent; sometimes a big app will be left behind, sometimes not.
hmm, does this happen if you leave an app open for a long time and then close it or does it just happen totaly randomly ?
GavinO said:
Actually, it happens more often if I open the app and then close it without doing much.
Then that's the problem. Even after you shut the app down it will remain in the list until it fully loads and then it will shut down.