Problems with GDI+ BlurEffect on Windows 8


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Hello, I'm having some problems using the GDI+ BlurEffect on Windows 8, on both the 32 & 64 bit version. Everything works fine on Windows 7 or Vista but on Windows 8 when having a radius &lt20 the blur is only made horizontally, as soon as it increases
to 20 or higher everything works as expected. This happens with both ApplyEffect & DrawImage, and I didn't test any other effects so I don't know if it's the only issue. One important note is that I use the GDI+ functions from C#, but as this works fine
on Windows 7 I don't think this is very important. I checked this with a project I found on CodePlex, as it has similar code, and the issue is there too. You can use this project as a reference, it can be found here: The
discussion about the issue can be found here: I was hoping someone can confirm the bug, or maybe tell us if something changed for Windows 8 which can't be read in the documentation. Best wishes, Robin

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