Problems with Dual Boot Install of Ubuntu 13.10

  • Thread starter Thread starter Derrin
  • Start date Start date



I am trying to get linux up and running for me for the very first time, but having problems. I am using an Asus K52JR laptop running windows 7 64bit, and I created a USB stick bootable with Linux live. My disk is partitioned, so booting with the USB I installed Ubuntu 13.10 to my empty partition.

Well, It almost installed. Went through all the step until I got to the part where I get the progress bar where you see all the files installing. And once the progress bar completed my computer went to a black screen with a few lines of writing in the top left corner and then the computer shut itself off!

So I restarted and I was taking to Grub where I have the option to boot into Ubuntu or Windows only with some other options. So I chose Ubuntu, and it takes me to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I can type stuff in, but that is all. I have to hit ctrl-alt-delete to exit from there and my computer reboots back into Grub.

So with some searching on the issue I entered into recovery mode typed in
sudo apt-get update
The output was this:

sudo: unable to resolve host (none)
Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 13.10 _Saucy Salamandor - Release amd 64 (20131016.1) saucy InRelease
Ign cdrom://Ubuntu 13.10 _Saucy Salamandor - Release amd 64 (20131016.1) saucy Release.jpg
W: Not using locking for read only file /var/lib/opt/lists/lock
E: Couldn't create temporary file work with /var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%2013.10%20%5fSaucy%20Salamander%5f%20-%20Release%20amd64%20(20131016.1)_dists_saucy_Release - mkstemp (30 : Read - only file system)
W: Not using locking for read only lock file ``/var/lib/dpkg/lock``
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem
With a little more search I went into root via advance options and typed in:
mount -o rw-remount /
Nothing appeared to happen, so I typed
mount --all
after that, and nothing appeared to happen.

I rebooted and typed
mount -o rw-remount /
again and this time I got this output:
mount: /dev/sda6 already mounted or / busy
mount: according to mtab /dev/sda6 is already mounted on /
I am a total newbie to this and I don't know where to go from here. If i try to boot into Ubuntu I still get the black screen and the flashing cursor.

Really hoping someone can help me out!!!


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