Problems loading site.

What browser are you using Dougie?
Can you post the error message you're getting in the JS console like it says in the error?
Do you by chance have JavaScript disabled?

I haven't see this before. Maybe the sticky header JS is causing problems. I've been meaning to add a setting to shutoff in user settings. I'll get to doing that now if that is causing problems.
Hi Bob.
I am using Firefox 32.0.3.
I just deleted and reinstalled Java 7/67 64bit.
That's fixed the problem. Before your site just wouldn't load and after what seemed forever, all I got was a blank white page. This has been happening for weeks.
Thanks for replying so fast. Much appreciated.
I try to fix things as fast as possible. Can't have any problems when users need help. If things don't work they find some place else to help them.
I have that one. I could have sworn "recent posts" was next to "search forums" on the left hand side.
New posts gets me there anyway.
Not that I remember Dougie, next to "Search Forums" I have always seen "Mark Forums Read" on one side and "Watched Forums" on the right. I wonder if that is the case as a guest where "new posts" is probably not listed.