Problems accessing CD and DVD drives (e.g., drive not accessible)

  • Thread starter Thread starter RichardD
  • Start date Start date


I have a Dell Dimension 8200 desktop running XP Professional. It has a
CD-ROM drive (D:\\) which came with the computer; it has a Sony DVD RW (E:\\)
drive which I installed a few years ago. I have never had problems with
either. Today, I started having trouble with the "D" drive...when trying to
access it, I get a "Not Accessible....Incorrect Function" error message.
Initially, the "E" drive worked ok right after I saw the problem with the "D"
drive, but then it very quickly started having problems. I could access it,
but often, it would show no data on the CD or DVD I had in it ("E").

Some times, when going into My Computer, the Volume label would not show up;
some times, the Total Size and Free Space show 0 Mb and 0 Mb respectively;
other times, Total Size and Free Space might be the same, showing what I know
is the actual amount of data on the disc (e.g., 91.9 MB and 91.9 MB).

A reboot some times helps the E: drive but not the D: drive, but if it helps
the E: drive, the problem quickly comes back. I have tried going in through
Device Manager to disable both, uninstall, and reinstall, but it doesn't
help. Device Manager does say both drives are working.

I also have noticed that going into My Computer, it appears as if now the
names on the drives might be reversed..."D", a CD-ROM drive, is labelled
"CD-RW"; "E", a DVD R/W drive, is labelled simply "CD-DRIVE".

After some searching on the net, I saw some links regarding the "not
accessible" message, and some indicated a problem with Roxio. I don't use
Roxio, but there are some Roxio programs on my PC. However, that caused me
to think about Yahoo Music. Yesterday, before this problem started, I
received a message that MusicMatch will be discontinued at the end of August
and that it was being replaced by Yahoo Music. So I did the upgrade to
Yahoo. Could this Yahoo upgrade somehow be interfering with my CD/DVD
drives? Any other ideas? Thanks.