Problem with Accessibility Magnifier?

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WinXP Home

Today I was demonstrating the WinXP Home Accessibility Magnifier
feature to a friend – I don’t use it and never have.

One of the features of the “Magnifier was initially to open a small
slice of the magnified screen at the top of the monitor

After finishing, and (I thought) leaving the Accessibility options all
turned off, I noted that subsequently, each time I started up IE7 it
opened up in a similar narrow window which is full screen width, but
about one inch in height. I can manually click it to full size the
normal way.

In the past, when faced with a small opening IE or other program
display, I've manually dragged it to full size, then Shift Clicked the
X box in the URH corner to close IE7. Reopening it then restores
normal size. But now that technique didn’t work.

Since it was about time, I downloaded and installed IE8

Imagine my surprise when the problem continued FWIW the problem is
limited to IE7/8. Excel, Word, etc.. open normally. I'm sure the
problem is somehow related to the accessibility magnifier.

Please advise.
Normally, on closing an IE window when in a 'restored' or 'sizeable'
screen, allows it to open in the same dimensions as when the last
instance of it was closed.

That is, if you have the last IE windows sized to 4" x 4" - opening your
first IE windows again, it will be restored to the same size.

Dismissing the last IE windows when maximized will 'hide' it's recorded
'restored' size, and will open the first opened IE window 'maximized'.

That is, if you close the last IE window 'maximized' - IE will open
'maximized' again - but will not affect the 'restored' size.

So to get your IE window to a reasonable size - open ONE IE window and
grab a corner with your mouse and resize it to something reasonable then
close it.

Future IE windows should now open with this new size.


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"PT" wrote in message
WinXP Home

Today I was demonstrating the WinXP Home Accessibility Magnifier
feature to a friend – I don’t use it and never have.

One of the features of the “Magnifier was initially to open a small
slice of the magnified screen at the top of the monitor

After finishing, and (I thought) leaving the Accessibility options all
turned off, I noted that subsequently, each time I started up IE7 it
opened up in a similar narrow window which is full screen width, but
about one inch in height. I can manually click it to full size the
normal way.

In the past, when faced with a small opening IE or other program
display, I've manually dragged it to full size, then Shift Clicked the
X box in the URH corner to close IE7. Reopening it then restores
normal size. But now that technique didn’t work.

Since it was about time, I downloaded and installed IE8

Imagine my surprise when the problem continued FWIW the problem is
limited to IE7/8. Excel, Word, etc.. open normally. I'm sure the
problem is somehow related to the accessibility magnifier.

Please advise.
PT wrote:
> ... I was demonstrating the WinXP Home Accessibility Magnifier feature
> ... One of the features of the “Magnifier was initially to open a small
> slice of the magnified screen at the top of the monitor
> After finishing, and (I thought) leaving the Accessibility options all
> turned off, I noted that subsequently, each time I started up IE7 it
> opened up in a similar narrow window which is full screen width, but
> about one inch in height. I can manually click it to full size the
> normal way.
> ... I'm sure the problem is somehow related to the accessibility magnifier.
> Please advise.

'Taskbar Magnifier' can be resized and located anywhere on screen