Problem using Smart Card Reader with Remote Desktop Connection

  • Thread starter Thread starter LoveDivineMother
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We have problem using smart card reader when Remote Desktop connection is

Our application (running as windows service) uses smartcard reader. This
application is installed on Machine A (Windows XP).
Smartcard reader is connected to Machine A itself. Normally application is
able to detect & use smartcard reader.
If we connect to Machine A from another Machine B (also Windows XP) via
Remote Desktop Connection, the application on Machine A looses connection to
smartcard reader. This happens only when RDP connection is made.
To rule out possibility of problem in our application, we tested smartcard
reader with a Smartcard test utility (SmartPCSCDiag.exe) from SCM Micro. This
utility is also not able to detect card reader when RDP connection is there.
It seems that Smartcard Resource Manager is stopped/disabled by windows when
RDP connection is made.
I have following queries:

1. Does RDP connection really have impact on Smartcard Resource Manager
2. If yes, what is the workaround/solution to this problem?